Lake Placid/North Elba Community Development Commission


As approved by the Town of North Elba and Village of Lake Placid Municipal Boards

I) FUNCTION: The Development Commission shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Village of Lake Placid and the Town of North Elba Municipal Boards in the areas of:

  1. DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTAINENCE OF THE JOINT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN:  The Commission shall involve the community members in designing a long range plan for approval by the municipal boards and propose amendments to the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN as needed.
  2. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Commission shall initiate or coordinate activities to   implement provisions of the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.
  3. ADVISEMENT TO MUNICIPAL BOARDS:  The Commission shall provide the Village and Town Boards with research, information, or other data as requested. 
  4. ADVISEMENT TO JOINT REVIEW BOARD:  The Commission shall, at the request of the Joint Review Board, offer recommendations on projects being considered.

II) MEMBERSHIP: The Development Commission shall consist of 7 – 10 members who reside within the Village of Lake Placid or Town of North Elba.

  1. Members shall be appointed by joint action of the Town and Village Boards each January. 
  2. Members shall serve a three-year term.  Replacement members may be recommended by the Commission for appointment by the Municipal Boards whenever a vacancy occurs.
  3. Each Municipal Board shall select one of their members to be an ex-officio member of the Commission.


  1. A Chairperson shall be elected by the Commission Membership each January to serve for that year.
  2. The Chairperson shall appoint one member of the CDB to serve as Recording Secretary whose responsibilities shall include keeping meeting minutes, notifying Members of meeting details, and serving as Chairperson in the absence of the regular Chairperson.
  3. The Chairperson, or his/her designee, shall report to the municipal boards on a regular basis regarding Commission progress and activities. 


  1. Monthly meetings shall be held at times and locations directed by the Chairperson with the advice and counsel of the Members.
  2. Agenda items shall be presented to the Members in a timely fashion by the Chairperson, or his/her designee.
  3. A simple majority of the Members shall constitute a quorum required for any official business to take place.
  4. Business actions shall be decided by consensus of the Membership whenever possible. If a consensus cannot be reached a majority vote will determine the decision.  Upon the request of any member a dissenting opinion shall be included in any action or report of the Commission.


The Chairperson of the Commission, or his / her designee, shall present an Annual Report of Activities to the Municipal Boards.


            Any proposal to amend these laws must be on the agenda of two consecutive meetings of the    Commission.   It must be approved by a 2/3 of the Commission Membership and then        submitted to both the Town and Village Boards for final approval.